
有需要製作防爆等級的風扇, 請幫我填寫以下表格
If you are looking for explosion proof's fan, please kindly help me fill out the quote below.

1. 需求的風扇大小及電壓? What is the fan's size and voltage?

Fan Size : AC DC Voltage :

2. 需要何種認證? Which Certificate are you trying to apply?

UL(Division) UL(Zone) IECEx(Zone) ATEX(Zone)

3. 工作環境? Working Environment

Dust Gas,Vapors,Liquids

4. 環境溫度? Environment Temperature?

5. 預估年使用量? Estimate Annual Quantity?

6. Group Equipments /設備類別

Group I (mining) /(礦用) Group II (Non-mining equipment) /(非礦用設備) Group III (Dust, IEC only) / (粉塵,僅用於IEC)

7. Explosion Subgroup /爆炸氣體分類

Subgroup I (Methane甲烷) Subgroup IIA (Propane丙烷) Subgroup IIB (Ethylene乙烯) Subgroup IIC (Hydrogen氫氣)

8. Level of Protection /設備保護等級

Category 1 G/Ga (Zone 0) Category 1 D/Da (Zone 20) Category 2 G/Gb ( Zone 1)
Category 2 D/Db (Zone 21) Category 3 G/Gc (Zone 2) Category 3 D/Dc (Zone 22)

9. 溫度分類 (最高表面溫度不超過(°C)

T1:450°C T2:300°C T3:200°C T4:135°C T5:100°C T6:85°C

10. IP Protection ? /防水防塵需求 ?

IP XX (EX. IP55) Please refer to the below table for an explanation of what IP is.
IP is defined as Ingress Protection.The first digit indicates protection from solid particles while the second digit indicates protection from liquids.

First Digit Protection against contact Protection against particles Second Digit Protection against water
0 No special protection No special protection 0 No special protection
1 with back of a hand Large foreign bodies >50mm dia 1 dripping vertically
2 with a finger Medium foreign bodies >12.5mm dia 2 dripping at an angle <15 from vertical
3 with tools and wires etc > 2.5mm thick Medium foreign bodies >2.5mm dia 3 spray <60 from vertical
4 with tools and wires etc >1mm thick Medium foreign bodies >1mm dia 4 spray from all directions
5 complete protection Dust allowed but not affect function 5 jets from a nozzle in all directions
6 complete protection Dust proof 6 high pressure jets
      7 temporary immersion
      8 permanent immersion

謝謝您的填寫, 我們會盡快安排業務人員跟您連絡.
Thank you for filling out the questions, our sales will contact you as soon as possible.




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